As a pragmatic, polyglot software engineer, I've grounded myself in the industry with a substantial amount of experience. I excel at interpreting business requirements and transforming them into high-availability, scalable, and reliable products`. I've garnered extensive experience in distributed computing and cloud infrastructure management, fueled by a strong obsession with observability. I am a firm believer in its unique and critical role in enhancing product quality. Last but certainly not least, I'm an avid supporter of open-source projects.

☎️ Contact Information


💼 Work History (Recent)

Senior Site Reliability Engineer

New Relic INC, Amsterdam, Netherlands(Remote) – (Feb 2022 - Active)
As part of a skilled team, we maintain the critical infrastructure of our product, ensuring its reliability and robustness. We process vast quantities of telemetry data — logs, traces, metrics, and events — and our infrastructure must withstand any catastrophe, including a blast radius. We implement a cellular infrastructure approach, distributing data across multiple cloud providers and accounts in accordance with customer needs, legal obligations, and catastrophe prevention. Our team responsibilities include:
  • Building automation systems (CI pipelines and internal products) to:
    • Create/destroy various cloud provider accounts
    • Provision infrastructure on a cloud provider account (kubernetes cluster, kafka)
    • Enable other teams to deploy their telemetry services within this ecosystem
  • Building instrumentation on top of various infrastructure automations
  • Developing a robust observability strategy for the infrastructure ecosystem
Tech and cloud stack: Go, Python, Bash, Java, Kubernetes, Docker, Terraform, Jenkins, AWS, Azure, GCE. And, of course our lovely product for observability to make things happen magically.

Senior Software Engineer

Delivery Hero SE, Berlin, Germany – (Nov 2020 - Feb 2022)
Was responsible for an internal product in an x-functional team working together with one more developer: A product that analyses how marketing spends across the marketing channels helps the number of orders, acquisitions, and other KPIs that the marketing team needed.
  • Building event-driven & serverless microservices
  • Implementation of regular feature and improvement tasks
    • and dealing with complex engineering problems
  • Responsible for keeping the application up & running all the time, and
    • trying to keep application efficiently utilized
  • Managing all infrastructure (Google Cloud Platform) using IaC
    • approach. (Terraform)
  • Building advanced automated CI/CD pipelines

Head of Engineering

Volt Lines, Istanbul, Turkey – (Apr 2018 - Aug 2020)
Prepared tech interview case studies, conducted 50+ interviews, and built a team from scratch.
Worked a lot on applications’ architectures and infrastructures by following best practices and built many API services and products that are resilient with his colleagues, and solved complex engineering problems together in order to be a flagship in transportation as a service eco-system.
  • Led and mentored Backend, Frontend, Mobile Application Development and Data Engineering teams
  • Contributed to developing more than 12 products with different tech stack alongside the team from scratch including hands-on coding and code review, cloud infrastructure management, architecture, orchestration, and automated CI/CD pipelines
  • Contributed to developing product & technology roadmap and strategy from concept to launch
  • Contributed to creating an engineering culture to make team self-motivated
  • Bridged between tech and management team to understand
    • requirements from both ends and to convert these into a working
  • Contributed to improving team's performance putting individual
    • targets with written Work & Development Plan

Lead Software Engineer

Metglobal/, Istanbul, Turkey – (Nov 2016 - Apr 2018)
Led a team that consists of 7 other backend developers. Built a high-performant hotel search & book API by making many micro-optimization and by using a powerful monitoring tool (New Relic). Built advanced CI/CD pipelines, alert rules to become proactive. The most important achievement I feel proud of is the advanced optimizations in search (Elastic Search) and booking module by making serious troubleshooting and debugging with his team together.

⚒️ Skills


  • Python
  • Go
  • Rust

  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Redis

  • Kafka
  • Kinesis
  • Redis

  • Docker
  • Kubernetes

  • Terraform
Dev Env

  • Git
  • Vim
  • Tmux

  • AWS
  • GCP

  • New Relic
  • Datadog
  • Prometheus

📚 Education

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

2006 - 2011
Istanbul University | ORT - Istanbul / Turkey


💼 More Work History

Senior Software Engineer

Metglobal/HotelsPro, Istanbul, Turkey – (Jul 2015 - Nov 2016)
It was a B2B product (API) that consumes 30+ external APIs simultaneously and consolidates the result. It included many challenges, but some of them are below;
  • API latency (SLA is between 1 sec and 5 secs)
  • XML and JSON parsing (CPU intensivity, and it needed to be optimized)
  • Deduplication
  • Intelligent Caching
  • Throttling
  • Concurrency (Multi-threads, green threads)

Full-Stack Software Engineer

Turkcell Technology R&D, Istanbul, Turkey – (Jul 2015 - Nov 2016)
Turkcell is the biggest telecom operator in Turkey. Worked on the website of the company that millions of people interact with. Implemented features, fixed bugs, and also made side a project that helped team’s productivity.

Software Engineer

Elkotek, Istanbul, Turkey – (Aug 2011 - Nov 2013)
Developed 10+ products with the team for different clients. Besides, built many PoCs that had different tech stacks. Did debugging and troubleshooting a lot. I can say that the foundation of almost everything I have today was laid in this company.

Jr. Software Engineer

Optimum Network Solutions, Ankara, Turkey – (Jan 2010 - Sep 2010)
Worked in the GIS team to implement an in-house coordinate-based application to increase the efficiency of base stations within the max radius. The foundation of my data structures knowledge was laid in this company.