This section of my personal website is an up-to-date page detailing what I'm up to right now in short form bullet points. It’s like what is happening in my brain. Sometimes I can write daily logs as well.
19 Feb 2020

I am preparing an introductory blog post for those who want to join the software engineering world. It should not necessarily be software engineering as there are a lot of SaaS tools that people can use and build something cool. I am also going to mention it. The purpose of this blog is to clear scattered minds.
19 Feb 2020 I am preparing an introductory blog post for those who want to join the software engineering world. It should not necessarily be software engineering as there are a lot of SaaS tools that people can use and build something cool. I am also going to mention it. The purpose of this blog is to clear scattered minds.
16 Feb 2020
16 Feb 2020
I am more into self-improvement mode nowadays. My purpose is to improve myself first, then try to influence people if I can. I keep asking myself the root cause behind the idea of trying to influence people, and it is definitely not the money. I am more on manifesto mode. I would like all of us to think more wisely, and be aware of the power of our body and soul.
Besides, this idea makes me read and research more, talk more confidently with my friends. Last week, I started to tweet every day about these concepts.
And, last but not least, I also tend to share all my software engineering knowledge with people. I’d like to reach more people and teach everything I know. For instance, I built and deployed this website with zero code for free. And, I’d like to teach how I did this to people who are interested.